Об британских учёных

According to Galileo’s theory, if you remove the air from a room to create a vacuum and drop feathers and a cannonball into it, both will hit the ground at the same time! Indeed, according to Galileo, the speed of an object is independent of its mass in a vacuum. In theory it works, but in his time, Galileo could not prove it. It took over 400 years before the experiment could be carried out. While we all understand and accept his theory, to see it verified is remarkable. Prof Brian Cox was involved in this delightful verification of the theory of gravitation. See the attached video.
В 1974 году в школе на уроке физики нам показывали этот опыт, через 332 года после смерти Галилея. Справедивости ради надо сказать, что школа была не обычная, а физико-математическая. Лень искать, но подозреваю, что этот опыт придумали и провели ещё в 19м веке.